Fern Spores, Living
Field-Collected Mixed Diatoms Culture, Living
Filamentous Green Algae Set, Living
Filter Tape, Nonwoven, Pressure Sensitive, 1 in x 36 yd
Fischerella, Living
Flagellate Mixture, Living
Flagellate Set, Living
Flavobacterium capsulatum, Living, Tube
Foam Swabs, 6”, Pack of 50
Foiling Spoilage with Chemical Preservatives Kit (with Perishables)
Foiling Spoilage with Chemical Preservatives Kit (with voucher)
Food Nutrient Analysis Kit
Food Nutrient Analysis Kit Refill
Fungi Survey Set, Living
Fungi, Ascomycete Fruiting Set, Living
Fungi, Basic Mold Showplate Set, Living
Fusarium oxysporum, Living, Tube
GasPakâ„¢ EZ Anaerobe Sachets with Indicator, Pack of 20
Genetics in Action: Mendelian Genetics C-FERN Kit
Genetics in Action: Mendelian Genetics C-FERN Kit Replacement Set
$26.65 - $29.62
Gentamicin, Antibiotic Magazine, 10 mcg
Glass Mason Jar, 1/2 Pint
Glass Spreader
Glo Gel, 8 oz
Glo Germâ„¢ Kit with Gel
Glo Germâ„¢ Glo Box Kit
Glo Germâ„¢ Kit
Glo Germâ„¢ Liquid
Glo Germâ„¢ Mini Kit
Glo Germâ„¢ Powder
Gloeocapsa, Living
Gloeotrichia, Living
Gonium pectorale, Living
Gonium pectorale, Living
Gram Stain and Bacterial Morphology Kit (with perishables)
Gram Stain and Bacterial Morphology Kit (with voucher)
Gram Stain Comparison Set, Living
Gram Stain Kit, Large
Gram Stain Kit, Small
Gram-Positive Morphology Set, Living
Green Algae Mixture, Living
Gymnodinium, Living
Haematococcus pluvialis, Living
$15.25 - $16.96
Halobacterium Agar, Prepared Media Bottle, 135 mL
$35.70 - $39.67
Halobacterium Broth, 5-mL Tubes, Pack of 10
Halobacterium sp. NRC-1, Living, Plate
Halobacterium sp. NRC-1, Living, Tube
Hand Soap Evaluation Kit
Hay Infusion Kit
Hektoen Enteric Agar, Dehydrated Medium, 500 g
High School Fungi Set, Living
HPC Total Count Sampler
Hydrodictyon, Living
Incubator Thermometer
Contact Us
Incubator, Sportsman
India Ink Stain
Infusoria Mixture, Living
Inoculating Loop, Sterile, Disposable, 1.0-µL Tip, Pack of 25
Inoculating Loop, Sterile, Disposable, 10.0-µL Tip, Pack of 25
$7.34 - $8.13
Inoculating Needle, Nichrome Wire, 8” Aluminum Handle
Inoculating Needles, Sterile, Disposable, Pack of 30
inquiryHub® Ecosystems Refill Kit
Introduction to Plant Cloning Kit
Introduction to Sterile Technique Kit
Introductory Bacteria Set, Living, Plate Cultures
Introductory Bacteria Set, Living, Tube Cultures
Investigating Cellular Respiration and Anaerobic Processes in Yeast Beads Kit
Isochrysis, Living
$26.65 - $29.62
Kanamycin, Antibiotic Magazine, 30 mcg
Kirby-Bauer Turbidity Standards Set
$42.11 - $46.79
Kligler Iron Agar Slant, Prepared Media Tubes, Pack of 10
Kligler Iron Agar, Dehydrated Medium, 100 g
Kolle Needle Holder
L-(+)-Arabinose, 25 g
Laboratory Sifting Mesh, 0.12-mm
Laboratory Sifting Mesh, 0.5-mm
Laboratory Sifting Mesh, 1.18-mm
Laboratory Sifting Mesh, 37-µm
Laboratory Sifting Mesh, 70-µm
Laboratory Sifting Mesh, 95-µm
Laboratory Sifting Mesh, Basic Set
Lactobacillus acidophilus, Living, Tube
Lactobacillus acidophilus, MicroKwik Culture®, Vial
Lactococcus lactus (Streptococcus lactis), Living, Tube
Lactococcus lactus (Streptococcus lactis), MicroKwik Culture®, Vial
Lactophenol Cotton Blue, 0.5-mL Bottle
Lambda Prophage Induction Set
Laminar Flow Unit Replacement HEPA Filter
Laminar Flow Unit, Horizontal, 110 V
Lazy-L-Spreaders, Sterile Pouches of 10, Pack of 50 Pouches
Lens Cleaning Kit
Lepidodermella, Living
Lettuce Hormone Interaction Kit (with perishables)
Lettuce Hormone Interaction Kit (with voucher)
Lettuce Hormone Interaction Kit Media Refill
Levine Eosin Methylene Blue Agar (Levine EMB Agar), Dehydrated Medium, 500 g
$38.11 - $42.33
Levine Eosin Methylene Blue Agar, Prepared Media Plates, 100 x 15 mm, Pack of 10
Lipase Substrate Tube, 30 mL
Liquid Protozoan Nutrient Concentrate, Culture Medium, 100 mL
Litmus Milk, Dehydrated Medium, 500 g
$49.13 - $54.60
Litmus Milk, Prepared Media Tubes, Pack of 10
Living Dictyostelium Review Set
Living Physarum Review Set
$63.88 - $70.99
Lowenstein Medium, Jensen, Slant, Prepared Media Tubes, Pack of 10
Lyngbya, Living
$15.25 - $16.96
MacConkey Agar, Prepared Media Bottle, 125 mL
$38.11 - $42.33
MacConkey Agar, Prepared Media Plates, 100 x 15 mm, Pack of 10
Magenta 7-Way Tray, Holds 8 GA-7 Vessels or 36 25-mm Tubes
Magenta GA-7 Vessel
Malt Extract, 100 g
Mannitol Salt Agar, Dehydrated Medium, 100 g
Mannitol Salt Agar, Dehydrated Medium, 500 g
$17.43 - $19.37
Mannitol Salt Agar, Prepared Media Bottle, 125 mL
$42.11 - $46.79
Mannitol Salt Agar, Prepared Media Plates, 100 x 15 mm, Pack of 10
Marine Algae Set, Living
Marine Copepod (Tigriopus californicus), Living
Marine Dinoflagellate Mixture, Living
Marine Rotifer (Brachionus), Living
McFarland Standard, 8 mL
Meet the C-FERN® Kit
Merismopedia, Living
MicroAquarium, Pack of 10
Microbial Rennet, 100 mL
Microbiology Stain Kit, High School Level
Microcentrifuge Tubes, Polypropylene, Nonsterile, 1.5 mL, Pack of 1,000
Micrococcus luteus, Living, Nutrient Agar, Slant
Micrococcus luteus, Living, Nutrient Broth, Tube
Micrococcus luteus, Living, Plate
Micrococcus luteus, MicroKwik Culture®, Vial
Micrococcus roseus, Living, Tube
Microspora, Living
Microworm Instant Medium
Microworms (Panagrellus redivivus), Living, Culture
Mini Advance Incubator
Mini Hay Infusion Kit
Miniature Rose Initiation Medium, Prepared Media Tubes, Pack of 10
Miniature Rose Micropropagation Class Kit (with Perishables)
Miniature Rose Micropropagation Class Kit (with voucher)
Miniature Rose Micropropagation Kit Media Refill, 10 Tubes Each
Miniature Rose Rooting Medium, Prepared Media Tubes, Pack of 10
Minipond Ecosystem Kit, Living
Mixed Annelids, Living
Mixed Protozoa Demoslide Set, Living
Mixed Rotifers Demoslide Set, Living
Mixed Rotifers, Living
Mixed Suspension of Introductory Bacteria, Living
Moina, Living
Monostyla, Living
Moss Capsules, Living, Pack 12
Moss Protonemata, Living, Culture
$42.11 - $46.79
Motility Indole Ornithine, Prepared Media Tubes, Pack of 10
$51.79 - $57.56
Motility Test Medium Agar with TTC, Prepared Media Tubes, Pack of 10
$51.79 - $57.56
Motility Test Medium Agar without TTC, Prepared Media Tubes, Pack of 10
Motility Test, Dehydrated Medium, 500 g
Mougeotia, Living
$51.79 - $57.56
MR-VP Medium, Prepared Media Tubes, Pack of 10
MR-VP Test Kit
MR-VP, Dehydrated Medium, 100 g
MR-VP, Dehydrated Medium, 500 g
Mueller Hinton (Agar), Dehydrated Medium, 100 g
Mueller Hinton (Agar), Dehydrated Medium, 500 g
$15.25 - $16.96
Mueller Hinton Agar, Prepared Media Bottle, 125 mL
$65.43 - $72.71
Mueller Hinton Agar, Prepared Media Plates 150 x 15 mm, Pack 10
$41.94 - $46.63
Mueller Hinton Medium with 5% Sheep Blood, Prepared Media Plates, 100 x 15 mm, Pack of 10
$38.11 - $42.33
Mueller Hinton Medium, Prepared Media Plates, 100 x 15 mm, Pack of 10
Multi-Section Nutrient Agar Media Kit
Murashige African Violet/Gloxinia Multiplication Medium, Prepared Media Tubes, Pack of 10
Murashige African Violet/Gloxinia Pretransplant Medium, Prepared Media Tubes, Pack of 10
Murashige and Skoog Salt Base, Powdered, 10 x 1 L
Murashige and Skoog Salt Base, Powdered, 50 L
Nannochloropsis, Living
NASA AMES: Grow Your Own Microbial Mats
Navicula, Living
Neisseria sicca, MicroKwik Culture®, Vial
Neisseria subflava, MicroKwik Culture®, Vial
Nematode Agar, High Salt, 125-mL Bottle
Nematode Agar, Low Salt, 125-mL Bottle
Nematode Growth Agar, Prepared Media Bottle, 135 mL
$24.30 - $26.96
Neomycin, Antibiotic Magazine, 30 mcg
Nichrome Wire Loops, 24 Gauge, Pack of 12
Nichrome Wire Loops, 26 Gauge, Pack of 12
Nidularia pulvinata, Living, Jar
$62.56 - $69.50
Nitrate Broth with Durham Tube, Prepared Media Tubes, Pack of 10
Nitrate Broth, Dehydrated Medium, 500 g
Nostoc Contorted Filaments, Living
$28.83 - $32.02
Novobiocin, Antibiotic Magazine, 30 mcg
Nutrient Agar Media Kit
$38.11 - $42.33
Nutrient Agar Slant, Prepared Media Tubes, Pack of 10
$15.25 - $16.96
Nutrient Agar, 1.5% NaCl, Prepared Media Bottle, 125 mL
Nutrient Agar, 1.5%, Dehydrated Medium, 500 g
$15.25 - $16.96
Nutrient Agar, 1.5%, Prepared Media Bottle, 125 mL
$15.79 - $17.50
Nutrient Agar, 1.5%, Prepared Media Bottle, 125 mL, Plastic Bottle
Nutrient Agar, 1.5%, Prepared Media Bottle, 500 mL
$42.11 - $46.79
Nutrient Agar, 1.5%, Prepared Media Plates, 100 x 15 mm, Pack of 10
Nutrient Agar, Dehydrated Medium, 100 g
Nutrient Agar, Dehydrated Medium, 500 g
Nutrient Agar, Premeasured Dehydrated Medium, 6 x 100 mL
Nutrient Agar, Premeasured Dehydrated Medium, 6 x 500 mL
$15.25 - $16.96
Nutrient Agar, Prepared Media Bottle, 125 mL