Lab Supplies
$6.88 - $7.19
Cylinder, Plastic Graduated, 250 mL
$3.30 - $3.91
Cylinder, Plastic Graduated, 50 mL
Deluxe Chemical-Splash Goggle
$51.48 - $54.60
Deluxe Instructor’s Dissecting Set
Deluxe Lab Toolkit
Deluxe OSHA-Compliant First Aid Kit
$22.19 - $22.96
Deluxe Zippered Dissecting Case
Desiccator Cabinet, Dry-Keeper™
Desk Fan, 6”
Dial Compost Thermometer
Digital Incubator, 0.7 cu ft
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Digital Incubator, 2.0 cu ft
Digital Pocket Scale, 100 x 0.01 g
Digital Pocket Scale, 700 x 0.1 g
Digital Pocket Thermometer
$3.76 - $3.91
Dispensing Bottle, 1 oz
$4.16 - $4.31
Dispensing Bottle, 2 oz
$4.39 - $4.63
Dispensing Bottle, 4 oz
Dispensing Bottle, 6 oz
Dispensing Bottle, 8 oz
Dispensing Jug, 20 L (5 gal)
Disposable Bouffant Hair Covering, Box of 100
Disposable Lab Pack: 50 Slides, 50 Plastic Coverslips, and Lens Paper Booklet
$14.68 - $16.25
Disposable Laboratory Coat, Tyvek®, Large
$14.68 - $16.25
Disposable Laboratory Coat, Tyvek®, Medium
$16.88 - $19.22
Disposable Polyethylene Gloves, Large, Box of 100
$16.88 - $19.22
Disposable Polyethylene Gloves, Medium, Box of 100
$16.88 - $19.22
Disposable Polyethylene Gloves, Small, Box of 100
Disposable Protective Face Mask, Pack of 50
$31.96 - $34.99
Disposable Vinyl Gloves, Large, Dispenser of 100
$31.96 - $34.99
Disposable Vinyl Gloves, Medium, Dispenser of 100
$31.96 - $34.99
Disposable Vinyl Gloves, X-Large, Dispenser of 100
$2.67 - $2.82
Dissecting Forceps, Economy, Plastic, 5 inches
$3.76 - $3.91
Dissecting Forceps, Economy, Stainless Steel, 4-1/2 inches
$6.97 - $7.28
Dissecting Forceps, Fine Points, Stainless Steel, Curved, 4 1/2 in
$4.54 - $4.70
Dissecting Forceps, Fine Points, Stainless Steel, Straight, 4 1/2 inches
$6.73 - $7.03
Dissecting Forceps, Medium Points, Stainless Steel, Curved, 4 1/2 in
$4.94 - $5.40
Dissecting Forceps, Medium Points, Stainless Steel, Straight, 4 1/2 in
$2.97 - $3.07
Dissecting Needle, Plastic Handle, Curved Point
Dissecting Needle, Plastic Handle, Full-Spear Point
Dissecting Needle, Plastic Handle, Half-Spear Point
$3.07 - $3.13
Dissecting Needle, Plastic Handle, Straight Point
Dissecting Needle, Stainless Steel, Curved Point
$8.76 - $9.07
Dissecting Needle, Stainless Steel, Full-Spear Point
$6.42 - $6.73
Dissecting Needle, Stainless Steel, Straight Point
$70.74 - $74.27
Dissecting Pad, Vinyl, Bulk Sheet, 24 x 18”
$16.56 - $17.34
Dissecting Pad, Vinyl, Deluxe, 11-3/4 x 8”
$14.77 - $15.31
Dissecting Pad, Vinyl, Standard, 10-3/8 x 6-1/2”
$12.03 - $12.82
Dissecting Pan Cover, Deluxe, for 12-3/4 x 9” Pan
$9.85 - $10.31
Dissecting Pan Cover, Standard, for 7-1/2 x 11-3/4” Pan
$16.34 - $16.96
Dissecting Pan Wax, 1 lb
$19.14 - $19.47
Dissecting Pan, Aluminum, 7-1/2 x 11-1/4 x 1-1/2”
$37.97 - $40.16
Dissecting Pan, Aluminum, with Vinyl Dissecting Pad
Dissecting Pan, Stainless Steel, with Vinyl Pad
$61.07 - $62.94
Dissecting Pan, Wear-Ever Aluminum, 25 3/4 x 17 3/4 x 1 in
$49.13 - $50.37
Dissecting Pan, Wear-Ever, Heavyweight Aluminum, with Wax, 13-1/8 x 9-3/8 x 2-1/4”
$33.11 - $34.20
Dissecting Pan, Wear-Ever, Heavyweight Aluminum, without Wax, 13-1/8 x 9-3/8 x 2-1/4”
Dissecting Pins, Nickel-Plated, 2”, Box of 900
$9.07 - $9.54
Dissecting Scalpel, Stainless Steel, One Piece, 1 1/2” Blade
$16.25 - $16.88
Dissecting Scissors, Mayo, Stainless Steel, Semi-Blunt, Straight, 5 1/2 in
$4.47 - $4.79
Dissecting Scissors, Nickel, Sharp/Sharp, Straight, 4-1/2”
$11.34 - $11.80
Dissecting Scissors, Stainless Steel, Sharp/Sharp, Straight, 4-1/2”
$10.10 - $10.47
Dissecting Scissors, Stainless Steel, Straight, 4 1/2 in
Dissecting Set, Biology Training, Molded Plastic Case
Dissecting Set, General Biology, Molded Plastic Case
Dissecting Set, General Biology, Single Leatherette Case
Dissection Pins with Label Holder, Box of 50
$10.71 - $11.34
Dissection Scissors, Fine, Stainless Steel, Straight, 4 1/2 in
$10.88 - $11.34
Dissection Scissors, Stainless Steel, Fine Points, Angular, 4 1/2 in
Distillation Apparatus
Distillation Apparatus, Plain
Distillation/Distilling Apparatus
Distilled Water, 1 L
Double Buret Clamp
$9.00 - $9.31
Double End Probe and Seeker, Stainless Steel, 6 in
Draining Drying Rack, 72 Pins 3 in and 18 Pins 5 in
Draining Rack, 72 Pins 3 in and 18 Pins 5 in
Draining Rack, Poxygrid, 16 3/4 x 6 1/2 x 19 in
Dropper Vials, Glass, Screw-Cap, 1 oz, Pack of 12
Dropper Vials, Glass, Screw-Cap, 1/4 oz, Pack of 12
Dropping Bottle, Amber, Round, 1 oz, Pack of 12
Dropping Bottle, Amber, Round, 1/2 oz, Pack of 12
$3.85 - $4.22
Dropping Bottle, Barnes, 30 mL
$1.57 - $1.73
Dropping Bottle, Barnes, Extra Pipet
$38.67 - $39.45
Dropping Bottle, Glass, Squat Form, 100 mL
$8.13 - $8.43
Dropping Bottle, Plastic, 125 mL
$4.22 - $4.39
Dropping Bottle, Plastic, 15 mL
$4.70 - $5.00
Dropping Bottle, Plastic, 30 mL
$5.31 - $5.63
Dropping Bottle, Plastic, 60 mL
$4.07 - $4.39
Dropping Bottle, Plastic, 7 mL
Dry-Erase Board Cleaner
Dry-Erase Marker, Expo®, Set of 4
Dumbbell, 1 lb
Dumbbell, 2 lb
Earth’s Climate Curriculum Learning Module
Earth’s Surface Curriculum Learning Module
Easy-Read™ Enviro-Safe® Partial Immersion Thermometer (-20 to 110° C), 12” long
Easy-Read™ Enviro-Safe® Partial Immersion Thermometer (0 to 230° F), 12” long
Economy Draining Rack
Economy Hot Plate, Double Burner
Economy Hot Plate, Single Burner
Economy Laminated Polypropylene Apron, Box of 100
Economy Plastic Test Tube Rack, 13 mm, for 90 tubes
Economy Plastic Test Tube Rack, 16 mm, for 60 tubes
Economy Plastic Test Tube Rack, 25 mm, for 24 tubes
Economy Polyethylene Lab Apron, Box of 100
Economy White Porcelain Spot Plate
Ecosystems, Food Chains, and Food Learning Center Game
Elements and the Periodic Table Learning Center Game
Emergency Eye/Face/Body Double Wash Station
Emergency Shower Safety Sign
Emergency Shower, Horizontal Mount
Emergency Shower, Vertical Mount
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Emergency Shower/Eyewash Combination
Emergency Shower/Eyewash Safety Sign
Energy Curriculum Learning Module
Eraser Sponge, Pack of 6
Eudiometer Tube, 100 mL
Eudiometer Tube, 50 mL
Evaporating Dish, Porcelain, 100 mL
Evaporating Dish, Porcelain, 50 mL
Evaporating Dish, Porcelain, 75 mL
$27.17 - $28.59
Evaporating Dish, Pyrex®, Glass, 80 x 45 mm
Exhibit Panels, Tri-Fold, Assorted Colors, Pack of 24
Exhibit Panels, Tri-Fold, White, Pack of 24
Extra Keys for Carolina® Goggle Sanitizer Cabinet
eyePod Eyewash Station
Eyewash Fountain Safety Sign
Eyewash Station
Eyewash Station Replacement Solution, 16 oz
Eyewash Station Safety Sign
Eyewash, Faucet Mount, for Gooseneck Faucet
Eyewash, Faucet Mount, for Standard Faucet
Eyewash, Wall Mount
Fast-Release Pipet Pump II, 10 mL (green)
Fast-Release Pipet Pump II, 2 mL (blue)
Fast-Release Pipet Pump II, 25 mL (red)
Fermentation Tube with Bulb and Glass Foot, Large
Fermentation Tube with Bulb, Without Foot Large
Fermentation Tube with foot Small
Fermentation Tube without Foot Small
Fermentation Tube, Graduated, 5 x 0.1 mL
Fiberglass Tape Measure, Pack of 10
Filter Adapter Set
Filter Funnel, Glass, 200 mL
Filter Funnel, Glass, 80 mL
Filter Paper, Qualitative, 11 cm, Pack of 100
Filter Paper, Qualitative, 12.5 cm, Pack of 100
Filter Paper, Qualitative, 15 cm, Pack of 100
Filter Paper, Qualitative, 18 cm, Pack of 100
Filter Paper, Qualitative, 24 cm, Pack of 100
Filter Paper, Qualitative, 7 cm, Pack of 100
Filter Paper, Qualitative, 9 cm, Pack of 100
Filter Paper, Quantitative, 11 cm
Filter Paper, Quantitative, 12.5 cm
Filter Paper, Quantitative, 15 cm
Filter Paper, Quantitative, 18 cm
Filter Paper, Quantitative, 7 cm
Filter Paper, Quantitative, 9 cm
Filter Pump or Aspirator
Filtering Kit
Filtration Funnel, 10 cm, Polypropylene, Pack of 10
Filtration Funnel, 5 cm, Polypropylene, Pack of 10
Filtration Funnel, 6.25 cm, Polypropylene, Pack of 10
Filtration Funnel, 7.5 cm, Polypropylene, Pack of 10
$21.34 - $22.19
Fine Tissue Forceps, Stainless Steel, 1 x 2 Teeth, Curved, 4 in
$20.08 - $20.31
Fine Tissue Forceps, Stainless Steel, 1 x 2 Teeth, Straight, 4 in
Fine-Point Permanent Marker, Black
Fingerprint Lifting Tape, 4” x 32′
Fire Blanket in Metal Case
Fire Blanket Safety Sign
Fire Extinguisher Safety Sign
First Aid Kit Safety Sign
Five-Place Side-Opening Slide Mailer, Pack of 25
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Flammables Floor Cabinet, 30 gal
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Flammables Floor Cabinet, 54 gal
Flask and Small Cylinder Brush
Flask Stand, Polypropylene
Flexible Jumbo Goggles
Foam Board, 15 x 48 x 3/16”, Pack of 10
Force Meter/Spring Balance, Beige, 1 kg
Force Meter/Spring Balance, Blue, 250 g
Force Meter/Spring Balance, Green, 500 g
Force Meter/Spring Balance, Red, 2 kg
Force Meter/Spring Balance, White, 3 kg
Force Meter/Spring Balance, Yellow, 5 kg
Forceps, Stainless-Steel, Blunt Points, Straight, 4 1/2 in
Forceps, Stainless-Steel, Fine Points, Straight, 4 1/2 inches
Forces and Motion Curriculum Learning Module
Forces and Motion Learning Center Game
Funnel Holder, Polyethylene, Single
Funnel, Buchner, Polypropylene, 56 mm
Funnel, Buchner, Polypropylene, 71 mm
Funnel, Polypropylene, 3” Diameter
Funnel, Polypropylene, 4” Diameter
Funnel, Polypropylene, 6” Diameter
Funnel, Powder, Polypropylene, 65 mm, Pack of 10
Funnel, Powder, Polypropylene, 80 mm, Pack of 10
Funnel, Squibb Separatory, 125 mL