Investigate infectious diseases safely with this laboratory case study kit. Students examine bacterial growth, applying hands-on skills to learn and practice safe microbiological techniques, including plate streaking and basic bacterial culturing. Once they master those skills, they then examine antibiotic susceptibility, design an experiment to test for it, and learn to interpret their results.
This unique kit was created by scientists at the Center for Translational Science Education at Tufts University. It provides students with a robust learning experience that addresses antibiotic resistance, a real medical problem facing hospitals around the world. The Tragic Case of Stan includes a week’s worth of lessons, loose-leaf student manual, and enough materials (including perishables) for 1 student group. This kit does not include a teacher’s guide and manual. Replacement Bacterial Cultures for the kit are available and sold separately. Note: Refrigerate antibiotic disks and bacterial cultures until use; do not freeze.