Intermediate—Easy to perform; requires some background knowledge.
- Study mitosis and meiosis
- Learn about chromosomal abnormalities
Recommended for grade 9 and up. Teacher demonstrators act as cytogeneticists by preparing a human karyotype from a metaphase spread of magnetic chromosomes. They identify each chromosome and its homologous pair based upon size, centromere position, chromosome arm length, and G-banding pattern. They then arrange the magnetic chromosomes in standard format on a magnetic karyotype layout board. The magnetic chromosomes can be adjusted to represent a normal male or female, a Down syndrome (trisomy 21) male or female, a Klinefelter syndrome male, or a Turner syndrome female. From the prepared karyotypes, students can then determine the genetic makeup, gender, and chromosomal disorder (if any) that the karyotype represents.
This demonstration kit gives teachers the opportunity to conduct karyotyping in the classroom in an interactive manner. Kit includes a set of large magnetic chromosome (1″ W x 4″ H), a large magnetic layout board (22 x 22″), and a teacher’s manual with reproducible student guide. Kit materials are reusable.