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Marcraft tabletop trainers

Laureena Ssali recently hosted a visitor from SAIT (Calgary) who was interested in seeing a Marcraft installation of the Renewable Energy & Sustainability trainers.

Seneca College added Solar, Wind, Hydro Power and Bio Fuels tabletop trainers, some of which are pictured above.

These popular trainers are found at community colleges across Canada.

"Our mechanical engineering department recently wanted to upgrade our Gas Dynamics Laboratory in conjunction with our newly added aerospace program.  After extensive research, we decided to purchase the AF27 Nozzle Flow Apparatus and the AF300  Intermittent Supersonic Wind Tunnel from TecQuipment with all the accessories including the VDAS Data Acquisition System.  We are happy to report our investment has been well worth it.  A perfect fit for our undergraduate laboratory.  Students are raving how “cool” the units are and the relative ease to obtain accurate data.  The laboratory size supersonic wind tunnel has been a big hit.  At Mach 1.8, viewing the shock waves and expansion fans on an airfoil using the included Schlieren Apparatus has never been easier and more clear.  The people at AYVA were amazing in helping us install the equipment.  They answered all our question in a timely manner and delivered on time.  The equipment is very well designed and built to last for a long time."

Peter Sakaris,
Concordia University

AYVA Educational Solutions | 7-233 Speers Road, Oakville ON L6K 0J5 | Toll Free: 1-877-967-2726 | Phone: 905-337-8486