AYVA’s HRAC Trainers Win Praises At Universities and Colleges Alike
Heating Refrigeration and Air Conditioning programs at post-secondary institutions across Canada are designed to give students a broad set of skills.
AYVA offers a variety of training equipment from different manufacturers to support the respective courses. Be sure to visit the HRAC section of our website and/or speak with a Product Specialist from AYVA to find the trainers that best meets your needs and budgets.
Sheridan College recently acquired one of our Refrigeration Cycle Demonstration trainers from our French partner – Erides – and were pleased to learn that a Product Specialist comes to install the equipment and provide a full day of training. Customers like University of Toronto have purchased 6 of these same trainers with the latest data acquisition built-in and they are being used by both the Chemical and Mechanical Engineering Departments.
One of the early adopters of these trainers in Canada was NBCC and they have provided a glowing reference site because their students say it is the best training system for truly understanding the processes:
“All of the students that have the opportunity to see the [Eridès] Refrigeration Trainer in operation and do their lab report based on readings really get a lot out of it. Interesting to note: Our refrigeration tech was fascinated by the unit. He is a very experienced technician, and he was simply amazed at seeing the thermodynamic cycle in action. Typically, refrigeration technicians follow pressure and temperature readings, and gauging from his reaction, they most times give little thought to the phase changes that take place inside the guts of the unit.”
Daniel Saulnier
Enseignant, CCNB
The air conditioning trainers from Erides are also popular, with one of the most recent ones being delivered to University of Manitoba.
We also offer both Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Trainers from a leading British manufacturer – TecQuipment (TQ)- and the time has never been better to buy this equipment with the Canadian dollar strengthening against the British Pound. We have numerous installations across the country who can speak to how this laboratory equipment has been well received by their students. Most recently, Vancouver Island University and Northern Lakes College in the west and Universite de Quebec and Queens University added one or more TQ Trainers to improve their teaching labs.
If you would like to speak with one of the educators about the products, service, documentation, etc we would be pleased to introduce you to one of our satisfied customers.