Rexroth’s hands-on Pneumatics training systems consist of workstations and industrial standard components. The training systems are modular, compact and upgradeable. For a better understanding with hands-on experience and testing, Rexroth offers a range of carrier systems with the patented “Snap-In” holder and a range of device sets for different learning topics, such as manual operated pneumatic, electro-pneumatic and closed loop technology.
Hardware and curriculum (student and teacher) support pneumatics training on the following topics:
- Pneumatic principles
- Electro-pneumatics
- PLC controlled pneumatics
- Simple mechatronics (pick and place)
The Pneumatics training system is a mobile component carrier which offers two independent workstations. It provides a surface beneath the workstation itself for hanging components which are not required. It also allows simultaneous training of two groups of 2-3 students on pneumatic or mechatronics technology.
A wide variety of pneumatic control valves, actuators and sensors allow the entire spectrum of pneumatic technology to be covered.