Through specimen observation and dissection, students learn basic echinoderm anatomy and gain a better understanding of this invertebrate. Students use step-by-step procedures with labeled color images to locate and identify external and internal features of the starfish. Designed for 1 or 2 students, the set features a teacher’s manual with instructional tips, extension activities, and additional resources.
Important Notice: The supply of dissectible starfish specimens is limited due to a decline in natural populations of starfish, which has been attributed to sea star wasting disease. This disease, thought to be caused by a virus, has decimated populations of starfish along the East and West Coasts of the US. Future availability is uncertain at this time, as population recovery of these keystone species is critical.
FREE 1-year access to digital resources that support NGSS instruction included.
- 1 Formalin Starfish
- 1 Disposable Dissecting Tray
- 1 Plastic Storage Bag
- 1 Dissecting Scissors
- 1 Plastic Forceps
- 1 Ruler
- 1 Hand Lens
- 1 Wooden Probe
- 2 Moist Towelettes
- 1 Carolina Science Online Resources (1-year subscription)
- 1 Teacher’s Manual
- 1 Student Guide