In the Carolina® Healthcare Simulations Kit Series, students practice clinical skills, techniques, and procedures. Each simulation includes a case study that provides students with background information about a patient who presents with relevant symptoms. While performing a series of investigations, in addition to gaining an understanding of human anatomy and physiology, students learn and practice skills that can be used in a healthcare setting.
The Carolina® Healthcare Simulations: Blood Hematocrit Kit provides students with a case study about a teacher who has been unusually tired recently. During the lab, students learn about the composition of blood and blood hematocrit. Students view blood smears under the microscope, learn how to determine hematocrit levels, take hematocrit readings for simulated blood samples, and build a centrifuge to separate simulated blood samples. At the completion of the lab, students are able to assess their patient’s health and make determinations about a diagnosis. Kit is designed to accommodate 6 groups of students.
Time Requirement
Teacher prep, 90 minutes. Prelab, 10 minutes. Investigation 1, 50 minutes. Investigation 2, 50 minutes. Investigation 3, 50 minutes. Assessment, 10 minutes.
Digital Resources
Includes 1-year access to digital resources that support 3-dimensional instruction for NGSS. Digital resources may include a teacher manual and student guide, pre-lab activities and setup videos, phenomenon videos, simulations, and post-lab analysis and assessments.
Crosscutting Concepts
Structure and Function
Science and Engineering Practices
Constructing Explanations and Designing Solutions
Learning Objectives
- Examine different parts of blood.
- Explain the different functions of each type of blood cell.
- Identify the equipment used to measure blood hematocrit.
- Demonstrate the ability to use equipment to measure blood hematocrit.
- Measure the hematocrit levels of several simulated blood samples.
- Know the normal limits of blood hematocrit.
- Evaluate factors that affect blood hematocrit levels.
Prerequisite Knowledge and Skills
Students should have experience reading and interpreting test results. They should have basic knowledge of the structure and function of the human body. They should have the ability to gather and synthesize information and the ability to construct an explanation based on information.