Lambda Amplification and Electrophoresis Kit with CarolinaBLU® Stain and 0.2-mL Tubes (with perishables)

Product Code: 211227P


Intermediate—Easy to perform; requires some background knowledge.

Lambda Amplification and Electrophoresis Kit with CarolinaBLU® Stain and 0.2-mL Tubes (with perishables) Good for beginning PCR study. Students amplify a 1,106-bp sequence from the bacteriophage lambda genome using a sample of dilute lambda DNA mixed with PCR Ready-to-Go Beads™ and lambda PCR primers. The mixture can be amplified using 2 water baths (55° C and 100° C) or by using a DNA thermal cycler. Students load the PCR samples onto a 1% agarose gel, electrophorese, and stain. They then verify the size of the amplified product by comparing it to DNA size markers.

This kit also can be used to do time-course studies in which the number of amplification cycles is varied. Students can then observe a qualitative difference in the intensity of the bands on the gel in response to the number of amplification cycles performed.

Kit contains instructions and materials sufficient for 25 reactions or 6 to 8 time-course experiments and gel electrophoresis using CarolinaBLU®. Note: Kit is shipped with perishable materials.