Carolina® Healthcare Simulations: Urinalysis Kit

Product Code: 700119


In the Carolina® Healthcare Simulations Kit Series, students practice clinical skills, techniques, and procedures. Each simulation includes a case study that provides students with background information about a patient who presents with relevant symptoms. While performing a series of investigations, in addition to gaining an understanding of human anatomy and physiology, students learn and practice skills that can be used in a healthcare setting.

The Carolina® Healthcare Simulations: Urinalysis Kit provides students with a case study about a college student who is experiencing pain in her pelvic region and is extremely tired. Students first analyze her chart and make an initial assessment of her condition. Then during the investigation, students simulate a urinalysis by testing synthetic urine for color, pH, specific gravity, glucose, and proteins. The investigation concludes with students applying their laboratory analyses and using digital resources to develop a final diagnosis and treatment plan for the college student. Kit is designed for 10 groups of students.

Time Requirement
Teacher prep, 30 minutes. Prelab, 10 minutes. Investigation, 50 minutes. Assessment, 20 minutes.

Digital Resources
Includes 1-year access to digital resources that support 3-dimensional instruction for NGSS. Digital resources may include a teacher manual and student guide, prelab activities and setup videos, phenomenon videos, simulations, postlab analysis, and assessments.

Performance Expectation(s)
HS-LS1-3. Plan and conduct an investigation to provide evidence that feedback mechanisms maintain homeostasis.

Crosscutting Concepts
Stability and Change

Disciplinary Core Ideas
LS1.A: Structure and Function

Science and Engineering Practices
Planning and Carrying Out Investigations

Learning Objectives

  • Perform common urine tests used by physicians to assess the color, pH, glucose presence, protein presence, and specific gravity of simulated urine samples.
  • Analyze urinalysis results and compare to normal ranges of each factor tested.
  • Use data collected from urinalysis results and background reading to determine potential causes (diet, drugs, disease) of any abnormal results.
  • Apply lessons from this investigation to synthesize expected urinalysis results and analyze sample abnormal results in clinical situation-based assessment questions.

Prerequisite Knowledge and Skills

  • Basic understanding of the structure and function of organs comprising the human circulatory and excretory system.
  • Ability to gather and synthesize information.
  • Experience reading and interpreting test results.
  • Basic familiarity with common human diseases.
  • Ability to construct an explanation based on information.


  • 2 Simulated Urine, Low, 120 mL
  • 2 Simulated Urine, Normal, 120 mL
  • 2 Simulated Urine, High, 120 mL
  • 2 Simulated Unknown Urine A, 120 mL
  • 2 Simulated Unknown Urine B, 120 mL
  • 50 Plastic Urine Specimen Containers
  • 60 Disposable Pipets
  • 1 Refractometer Kit
  • 100 pH Strips, Wide Range
  • 60 2-Test Urine Strips (glucose and protein)
  • 2 Permanent Markers, Black
  • 1 Carolina Science Online® Resources (1-year subscription)
  • 1 Teacher’s Manual with Reproducible Student Guide