DNA Damage: Studying the Impact of UV Light 8-Station Kit (with voucher)

Product Code: 173608


Product Details
A fresh inquiry update to our popular Sunscreen for Yeast—and People Too! Kit

  • Directly demonstrate the importance of DNA repair systems
  • Meaningful real-world connection for students
  • Learn how to best prevent/minimize exposure to ultraviolet (UV) light

Using a UV-sensitive mutant strain of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, students investigate the impact of UV light on living organisms. The S. cerevisiae mutant strain is extremely sensitive to UV light because it lacks an effective method for repairing damaged DNA. In the first activity, students determine the impact of UV light on 2 strains of yeast, wild-type and UV-sensitive. After understanding the true impact of UV light, students then have the opportunity to design their own inquiry investigation to determine how to best prevent UV damage to the UV-sensitive yeast strain. In the second activity, these investigations can have students testing various sunscreens, cloth samples, or myriad other options of their own choosing.

This entire activity is accomplished in 3 to 4 class periods and will truly give you a great starting point for discussing DNA repair systems and the impact of UV light on the human body. This 8-Station Kit provides enough materials for 32 students working in groups of 4, including a voucher to request perishables later at your convenience. Contact us or return the voucher to request delivery of perishable materials.

Product Features

  • After investigating the effect ultraviolet light has on different strains of yeast cells, students design an experiment to test the effectiveness of different ultraviolet preventatives.
  • High school laboratory investigation with enough materials for 8 lab groups.
  • Carolina Kits 3D®—Labs that use phenomena to support NGSS and 3-dimensional instruction.
  • Kit includes a voucher to request perishables later at your convenience.

Time Requirement
Total, three 45-minute class periods.

Digital Resources
Includes 1-year access to digital resources that support 3-dimensional instruction for NGSS. Digital resources may include a teacher’s manual and student guide, pre-lab activities and setup videos, phenomenon videos, simulations, and post-lab analysis and assessments.

Performance Expectation(s)

Crosscutting Concepts
Cause and Effect
Engaging in Argument from Evidence

Disciplinary Core Ideas
LS3.B: Variation of Traits

Science and Engineering Practices
Planning and Carrying Out Investigations