Carolina Investigations® for Use with AP® Environmental Science: Wet Scrubbers and Air Pollution 8-Station Kit

Product Code: 180839


Product Details
In this laboratory exercise, students construct a model wet scrubber that operates much like one at an incineration plant. They burn wood and observe how particulates and other pollution are removed by the scrubber. They measure the change in pH of the scrubber solution and the mass of solid precipitate formed. Students then evaluate the benefits and shortcomings of wet scrubbers and answer questions about air pollution. Kit provides materials for 8 groups of students.

Unit Connection
This laboratory investigation correlates to Unit 7: Atmospheric Pollution, topic 7.6 Reduction of Air Pollutants in the AP® Environmental Science Course and Exam Description.

Standards Connection
This kit addresses the following AP® Environmental Science concepts:
Big Idea 4: Sustainability (STB) Human survival depends on developing practices that will achieve sustainable systems. A suitable combination of conservation and development is required. The management of resources is essential. Understanding the role of cultural, social, and economic factors is vital to the development of solutions.

  • STB-2 Human activities have physical, chemical, and biological consequences for the atmosphere.
  • STB-2.G Explain how air pollutants can be reduced at the source.
  • STB-2.G.4 Wet and dry scrubbers are air pollution control devices that remove particulates and/or gases from industrial exhaust streams.
  • STB-2.G.5 Methods to reduce air pollution from coal-burning power plants include scrubbers and electrostatic precipitators.

Time Requirements
Teacher Preparation (before class):

  • Prelab: 15 minutes
  • Investigation 1: Day 1, 40 minutes; Day 2, 10 minutes

Class Time:

  • Prelab: 20 minutes
  • Investigation 1: Day 1, 45 minutes; Day 2, 15 minutes
  • Free-Response Questions: 35 minutes

The times provided are estimates. The time required may vary based on your student population.

Digital Resources
Includes 1-year access to digital resources that support instruction. Digital resources may include teacher manual and student guide, prelab activities and setup videos, simulations, and postlab analysis and assessments.

Prior Knowledge and Skills
Students should be familiar with the following skills or concepts:

  • Safe use of a Bunsen burner
  • Understanding of the pH scale
  • Proper use of a balance
  • Basic understanding of chemical reactions
  • Basic definition of air pollution

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