MudWatt® Microbe Kit

Product Code: 180940


It’s a living battery that runs on dirt!
Discover the power of microbes by building your very own microbial fuel cell. The MudWatt® is a fun and educational science kit that uses the natural microbes found within dirt to generate electricity. The kit comes with everything you need except the dirt, so go dig some up!

Within a few days, the MudWatt’s LED light will start to blink, using the power generated by the microbes within your dirt. Within a week, you’ll be able to power a digital clock and thermometer—no batteries needed! Try these activities:

  • Through open-ended scientific investigation, experiment with different types of dirt (and things in your refrigerator) to see which produce the most power.
  • Track the growth of your MudWatt’s power and bacteria population and unlock new chapters of a comic book with the free MudWatt® Explorer app (available on iTunes® and Google Play™).

The MudWatt® is the perfect educational kit for classrooms and science fair projects since it incorporates a wide range of scientific topics. It’s easy to incorporate the MudWatt® into a class discussion on microbiology, soil chemistry, electrochemistry, or electrical engineering. Sync your Bluetooth® device to track or e-mail your data.