Product Details
Investigate water pollution using safe, simple TesTab® reagents. A lightweight carrying case houses 12 individual field test modules. Each module contains easy-to-read, diagrammed instructions, color chart, test-factor flashcard, and the necessary apparatus to perform 100 tests using nonhazardous TesTab® reagents. Kit includes an instruction manual and The Monitor’s Handbook.
Includes tests for:
- Alkalinity
- Dissolved Oxygen/BOD
- Ammonia
- Hardness
- Chloride
- Iron
- Chlorine
- Nitrate
- Chromium
- pH
- Copper
- Phosphate
/!\ WARNING: LaMotte® products are not toys. Adult supervision is strongly recommended. Products may contain ingredients that require additional safety precautions; refer to all safety guidelines and Material Safety Data Sheets contained on the MSDS CD or at