Nature’s Dice, A Genetic Screening Simulation Autosomal Recessive Trait Classroom Kit (with voucher)

Product Code: 211018


Intermediate – Easy to perform; requires some background knowledge.

  • Genetic screening of an extended family
  • Classical Mendelian genetics
  • Modern molecular biology
  • Molecular basis of heredity
  • Ethical and social implications of genetic testing

Students receive a 24-member family tree and DNA samples presumably taken from each family member. They determine the genotype of each of the relatives by cutting the DNA samples with a restriction enzyme and separating the fragments by gel electrophoresis. The genotypes revealed by the class are used to determine the pattern of inheritance of the “gene” being analyzed and to predict each person’s phenotype. In this simulation, the teacher and students choose a fictitious phenotype to link to the gene, although the principles and issues raised would apply to real situations.

Note: Kit includes a voucher to request perishable materials later at your convenience. Contact us or return the voucher to request delivery of perishable materials.