PTC Taster: Extraction and Amplification Kit with 0.2-mL Tubes (with perishables)

Product Code: 211377P


This kit explores the molecular basis of the inherited ability to taste the bitter chemical phenylthiocarbamide (PTC), which was first described in the 1930s by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory scientist Albert Blakeslee.

Students will:

  • Determine their ability to taste PTC using taste paper
  • Use safe saline mouthwash and Chelex® extraction to obtain a sample of their own DNA
  • Amplify a 221-nucleotide region of the PTC taste receptor gene
  • Perform restriction digestion to differentiate the 2 alleles by gel electrophoresis
  • Determine how well the SNP genotypes actually correlate to tasting
  • Kit provides materials for 25 PCR reactions and restriction digests, and it includes the perishable materials when shipped.
  • Product Features
  • PuReTaq™ Ready-to-Go™ PCR Beads
  • Electrophoresis reagents
  • Kit equips 25 students