Bullfrog Dissection BioKit®

Product Code: 221465


Product Details
Students are introduced to basic vertebrate anatomy through the dissection of a bullfrog. As a pre-lab, students watch a phenomenon video and answer related questions to activate their prior knowledge. Students then explore the bullfrog’s external and internal anatomy by body system as they progress through the lab dissection. During the activity, they locate key structures, relate structure to function, and note adaptations. The comprehensive student guide provides a glossary and postlab assessment questions to help reinforce and assess understanding.

This classroom kit is designed for a class of 30. It includes 15 Carolina’s Perfect Solution® plain bullfrogs (no injection), 15 disposable dissecting trays, 15 self-locking storage bags, and a comprehensive teacher’s manual with reproducible student guide. The teacher’s manual contains procedural and preparation instructions, safety information, and more. The student guide provides step-by-step dissection instructions, labeled color photographs and illustrations, a prelab, assessment questions, and a glossary.

Time Requirement
Teacher prep, 10 minutes. Prelab, 30 minutes. Dissection, 60–90 minutes (or can be divided into multiple class periods). Assessment, 45–60 minutes. Prelab and Assessment can be completed as homework. Note: Carolina’s Wetting Solution (items #220120A and #220121A) is recommended if completing dissection over multiple days.

Digital Resources
Includes 1-year access to digital resources that support 3-dimensional instruction for NGSS. Digital resources may include a teacher’s manual and student guide, prelab activities and setup videos, phenomenon videos, simulations, and post-lab analysis and assessments.

Crosscutting Concepts
Structure and Function

Disciplinary Core Ideas
LS1.A: Structure and Function

Science and Engineering Practices
Developing and Using Models

Learning Objectives

  • Use descriptive figures and text to properly dissect a bullfrog.
  • Identify the major organs and organ systems of the bullfrog.
  • Describe the functions of the organs and structures of the bullfrog.

Prerequisite Knowledge and Skills
Students should have experience using dissecting instruments. They should also be familiar with the biology of bullfrogs.



  • 15 Carolina’s Perfect Solution® Bullfrogs
  • 15 Disposable Foam Trays
  • 15 Self-locking Storage Bags
  • 1 Carolina Science Online® Resources (1-year subscription)
  • 1 Teacher’s Manual and Reproducible Student Guide