Grades 9–12. This kit refill provides the consumable materials for the Inquiries in Science®: Simulating Succession Kit (item #251409). Perishables are included with the kit refill when it is shipped.
Note: Order an extra kit refill for each additional class section. For example, to teach Inquiries in Science®: Simulating Succession Kit in 3 environmental science sections on the same day, purchase 1 kit, 2 kit refills, and 2 multi-class equipment sets.
- 2 Algae Mixture (perishable item)
- 2 Protozoan Mixture (perishable item)
- 1 AlgaGro® Concentrate
- 1 Timothy Hay, 7 g
- 1 Soil, Small Bag
- 1 Wheat Seeds, 1 tbs
- 1 Rye Grass Seed, 1 lb
- 1 Wild Bird Seed, 1 lb
- 1 Humus, 11 lb
- 10 Cups, 9 oz
- 50 Pipets, 3 mL