Grade 8–College. David G. Smith and Michael P. Schenk. 2019. 122 pages. Introduce your students to the anatomy of the domestic rabbit. Complete with accurately labeled, full-color photographs and detailed illustrations. This comprehensive manual provides clear instructions on the dissection of the rabbit while also giving your students insight into the physiology of the specimen and how it compares to humans and other mammals. Clear objectives are introduced at the beginning of every chapter. All dissection instructions are clearly indicated apart from the main text of the guide. The manual begins with a chapter covering the external anatomy followed by 8 chapters on the major body systems: skeletal system, muscular system, digestive system, circulatory system, respiratory system, reproductive and excretory system, nervous system, and endocrine system. Throughout the manual important terms have been boldfaced, for easy identification. All boldfaced terms are defined in the glossary found at the back of the manual. Pages are punched for 3-ring binder (not included). Soft cover.