Explore the effects of Type 2 diabetes using miniature models of the brain, eye, kidney, heart, pancreas, neuron, foot, and an enlarged model of an artery. Each model illustrates the consequences of Type 2 diabetes. Stroke due to infarction in the brain; ocular pathologies, such as retinal edema and narrowed arterioles; atherosclerosis of the arteries; nephrosclerosis of the kidney; heart attack due to myocardial infarction; insulin resistance; neuropathy; and foot ulcers and gangrene are depicted in this model set. The full-color, double-sided, illustrated education card provides concise information about these pathologies along with general information about Type 2 diabetes. All models rest on a single stand with base. Size (without base), 9 x 6-1/4 x 12-1/2″.