Earth Force® Low-Cost Water Quality Monitoring Kit

Product Code: 652567


Developed in cooperation with Global Rivers Environmental Education Network (GREEN). This compact kit provides a simple and economical method of testing well water or naturally flowing water for 8 basic water quality parameters:

  • Coliform screening; kit performs 3 tests
  • Temperature; kit performs unlimited number of tests
  • Turbidity; kit performs unlimited number of tests
  • pH; kit performs 10 tests
  • Dissolved oxygen; kit performs 10 tests
  • Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD); kit performs 10 tests
  • Nitrate; kit performs 10 tests
  • Phosphate; kit performs 10 tests

Simple, illustrated, bilingual (English/Spanish) instructions ensure accurate results. Kit comes packed in screw-lid canister and includes liquid crystal thermometer, turbidity measuring scale, labware, and reagents.