Earth Force® Standard Water Monitoring Kit

Product Code: 652568


Product Details
An inquiry-based approach to watershed education and a great tool for beginning a school-based, community-involved, water-monitoring program. This kit utilizes the same safe, economical TesTab® method of water testing as our Earth Force® Low-Cost Water Quality Monitoring Kit (item #652567). Each module contains easy-to-read, bilingual (English/Spanish) instructions with diagrams; a color chart; a test factor flash card; and the necessary apparatus to perform 100 tests for biochemical oxygen demand, dissolved oxygen, nitrate, pH, phosphate, and temperature; 44 tests for coliform bacteria; and unlimited testing for benthic macroinvertebrates and turbidity.

Product Features

  • Utilizes safe, economical TestTab® testers
  • With easy-to-read instructions
  • Includes necessary apparatus

/!\ WARNING: LaMotte® products are not toys. Adult supervision is strongly recommended. Products may contain ingredients that require additional safety precautions; refer to all safety guidelines and Material Safety Data Sheets contained on the MSDS CD or at