Vibration and Waves Kit

Product Code: 754163


The Vibration and Waves Kit enables teachers to introduce mechanical vibration and waves with demonstrations illustrating concepts such as transverse and longitudinal standing waves, the concept of resonance, and mechanical vibration. The sine wave signal generator has a large 3-digit display and is combined with the vibration generator for low- and high-frequency vibrations with a range of 1–400 Hz (1-Hz increments) and 0.01–4.00 kHz (0.01-kHz increments).

Overview of Possible Experiments

  • Study vibration and resonance of materials with metal strips that have different natural frequencies.
  • Generate transverse standing waves vibrating a string and depicting nodes and antinodes.
  • Generate standing waves on a wire loop (analogous to quantized energy levels in quantum mechanics).
  • Perform dramatic demonstrations of 2-dimensional waves and resonance with square and circular Chladni plates, illustrating nodes and antinodes (with higher-frequency range).
  • Illustrate longitudinal waves with a helical spring using a vertical support rod.