Carolina® Lemon Battery Individual Kit

Product Code: 770040


This kit was built for use with the Microsoft® Hacking STEM Project, Lemon Battery.

  • Individual kit includes materials for one student station and takes about 30 minutes
  • In this bite-sized activity, students construct a battery using lemons and pairs of dissimilar metal electrodes. They can alter the voltage output of their battery by adding cells or experimenting with different metals in order to light an LED.

    This activity requires project instructions, technical requirements, and lesson plans from the Microsoft® Hacking STEM website, including:

    • Excel® O365 Desktop
    • Excel® Data Streamer add-in
    • Windows® 10
    • Other requirements found at the Microsoft®: Hacking STEM website

Individual kit includes materials for 1 student station and takes 30 minutes of classroom time. Please check the “What’s Included” tab for details.

Microsoft® Hacking STEM Projects are a collection of inquiry-driven, standards-aligned lesson plans that integrate visualizing data into existing science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) curriculum. These hands-on activities engage students in computational and design thinking and situate them in solving real-world problems.