Introduce or review the factors affecting reaction rates in preparation for the AP® Chemistry Exam. Also suitable for general chemistry or freshman chemistry, this kit includes 3 demonstrations:
- The Blue Bottle – Illustrates the effect changing temperature has on the rate of reaction.
- The Traffic Light – Changing concentration has a dramatic effect on the reaction rate.
- Sugar Combustion – Shows the effect of a catalyst on the speed of reaction.
Carolina Chemonstrations® for Use with AP® Chemistry kits help students understand the particle level interactions that result in dramatic observed phenomena. Multiple demonstrations in each kit give students a framework for understanding AP® Chemistry concepts and help students move from the big picture to hard science. Students demonstrate their grasp of the concepts underlying the demo through a particle level explanation, apply their knowledge to analyze the data presented, and think critically about the topics by answering assessment questions. Materials in each kit are sufficient to perform each set of demos at least twice.