Sleep Lab™: Lark or Owl? Kit

Product Code: 216345


Are you a night owl? Or a morning lark? The answer may be in your genes.

This lab allows students to test their own genotypes at the circadian clock gene Per3 locus that has been associated with sleep behavior preferences in humans. The coding region of this gene contains a VNTR (variable number tandem repeat) that is polymorphic (variable) across people.

In one study, a Per3 allele carrying 4 copies of this repeat was found at higher frequencies in people with a preference for evening activity, while the allele with 5 copies of this repeat was found more frequently in individuals with a preference for morning activities. Students will get to assess their own Per3 genotypes using PCR and gel electrophoresis, while also assessing their sleep phenotypes by answering a questionnaire about their own chronotypes (circadian preferences). As is true for many postulated genetic associations, the evidence for a link between Per3 genotypes and sleep phenotypes is not yet definitive—while some studies have shown association between this VNTR and sleep, others were unable to reproduce it.

Your work is needed! We hope that collective data gathered in your classroom can help shed light on this possible association between Per3 genotypes and circadian phenotypes. You’ll participate in an authentic open inquiry investigation on the genetic underpinnings of sleep.

Product Features

  • Kit provides enough materials for 8 lab groups
  • Online teacher guide, student guide, and additional resources are available for download
  • Can be completed in two 45-minute class periods or one 120-minute class period


Note: The reagents in this lab require freezer storage and are stable for 12 months when stored in the freezer.