Provincially Matched Correlations by Subject
Yukon schools follow the BC curriculum, with adaptations to include Yukon content and Yukon First Nations’ ways of knowing and doing.
To view British Columbia and Yukon correlations, click on any of the icons below to navigate to recommended equipment for the specified subject areas.
Physics (Grades 11 & 12)
Big Ideas (11)
- An object’s motion can be predicted, analyzed, and described
- Forces influence the motion of an object
- Energy is found in different forms, is conserved, and has the ability to do work
- Mechanical waves transfer energy but not matter
Big Ideas (12)
- Measurement of motion depends on our frame of reference
- Forces can cause linear and circular motion
- Forces and energy interactions occur within fields
- Momentum is conserved within a closed and isolated system

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Chemistry (Grades 11 & 12)
Big Ideas (11)
- Atoms and molecules are building blocks of matter
- Organic chemistry and its applications have significant implications for human health, society, and the environment
- The mole is a quantity used to make atoms and molecules measurable
- Matter and energy are conserved in chemical reactions
- Solubility within a solution is determined by the nature of the solute and the solvent
Big Ideas (12)
- Reactants must collide to react, and the reaction rate is dependent on the surrounding conditions
- Dynamic equilibrium can be shifted by changes to the surrounding conditions
- Saturated solutions are systems in equilibrium
- Acid or base strength depends on the degree of ion dissociation
- Oxidation and reduction are complementary processes that involve the gain or loss of electrons

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Environmental Science (Grades 11 & 12)
Big Ideas (11)
- Complex roles and relationships contribute to diversity of ecosystems
- Changing ecosystems are maintained by natural processes
- Human practices affect the sustainability of ecosystems
- Humans can play a role in stewardship and restoration of ecosystems
Big Ideas (12)
- Human actions affect the quality of water and its ability to sustain life
- Human activities cause changes in the global climate system
- Sustainable land use is essential to meet the needs of a growing population
- Living sustainably supports the well-being of self, community, and Earth

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Life Sciences (Grade 11)
Big Ideas
- Life is a result of interactions at the molecular and cellular levels
- Evolution occurs at the population level
- Organisms are grouped based on common characteristics

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Anatomy and Physiology (Grade 12)
Big Ideas
- Homeostasis is maintained through physiological processes
- Gene expression, through protein synthesis, is an interaction between genes and the environment
- Organ systems have complex interrelationships to maintain homeostasis

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Extra Resources
Download SPARKvue Software for Free
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Check out the videos below for details on SPARKvue’s functions, features, and various applications!
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