High School Physics Recommended Equipment
Smart Cart Basic System

The carts can measure position, velocity, and acceleration along the path the cart is traveling. The attached hook is a force sensor that can measure +/- force to 100 N. This system can be used extensively to teach kinematics, and Newton’s Laws of Motion. Because it can measure angular velocity it is great for a study of circular motion.
Super Pulley with Clamp

This pulley clamps onto the end of the dynamics track and has very low friction. It can be used in experiments like Newton’s Second Law when the goal is to accelerate a cart on the track with a constant unbalanced force such as would be obtained by connecting a string to the cart, running it over the pulley and attaching a hook and mass to the other end.
550 Universal Interfce

Capable of high sampling rates of up to 2MHZ on one channel. Has a built-in signal generator with an output of up to +/- V at a current of 400 mA. The frequency range is DC to 100 kHz. Schools that purchase this device need not purchase separate signal generators or oscilloscopes. Accepts all Science Workshop and PasPort sensors.
Shoot the Target

This target can be placed so that the ball will strike the target as it falls every time no matter what the launch velocity.
Wireless Force Acceleration Sensor

Measures +/- 50 N and has a higher resolution than the force sensor on the smart cart. The sensor can be used in place of a force scale and when used in pairs can be used to verify Newton’s Third Law of motion. The built in 3 axis gyroscope allows it to measure angular velocity so circular motion can be studied.
Field Mapper Kit

Plot equipotential lines about different configurations of charged points and shapes.
Rotating Platform

Useful for experiments like studying circular motion when used together with the smart cart system.
Projectile Launcher

Launch a rubber ball with one of three different velocities at any angle between 0 and 90 above the horizontal. Launches are repeatable.
Modular Circuits Kit

Contains components needed for basic electric circuit experiments such as simple circuits, Ohm’s Law, Series and Parallel circuits
High Sensitivity Light Sensor

Use with OS-8534A, OS-8535A, and PS-2120A to make measurements on a two-point interference pattern or a single slit diffraction pattern.
Wireless Rotary Motion Sensor

Measures angle, angular velocity, and angular acceleration, as well as their linear equivalents.
Wireless Voltage Sensor

Measures voltage in two ranges +/- 15 V, +/- 5V. Maximum sampling rate is 1000 Hz.
Wireless Current Sensor

Measures currents in two ranges: +/1 A, +/- 0.1 A. Maximum sampling rate is 1 kHz.
Wireless Light Sensor

Four sensors in one:
- Ambient lux
- Ultraviolet and infrared
- Detect RGB colours separately
- Measure PAR and irradiant light
Chladni Plates

Use with wave driver SF-9324 and interface UI-5001 to show complex resonating patterns that arise in a metal plate forced to vibrate at different frequencies
Aperture Bracket

Use with OS-8535A, PS-2176, and PS-2120A to make measurements on a two-point interference pattern or a single slit diffraction pattern
Diffraction Kit

An accessory for PASCO’s Basic Optics Systems (OS-8515C). Supports most diffraction experiments with 26 possible slit patterns.
Dynamics Track Optics Carriages

Mount optical component on dynamics track to use with EP-3558
Linear Translator

Use with OS-8534A, PS-2176, and PS-2120A to make measurements on a two-point interference pattern or a single slit diffraction pattern.
Snakey (2 m spring)

Useful for student experiments involved in investigating the properties of waves like interference and reflection from fixed and free ends as well as modes of vibrations for standing waves.
Triple Output Power Supply

Useful for a variety of applications such as the use of the field mapper kit and circuit work.
Tuning Fork Set

Forks cover an octave range and can be used for resonance and other activities.
Resonance Air Column with Speaker

A detailed study of resonance in an air column (both open and closed).
Wireless Sound Sensor

Two sensors in one:
- Sound wave sensor – measures changes in relative pressure level
- Sound level sensor – with dBA and dBC weighted scales.
Bar Magnets

Use to study fields about magnets and electromagnetic induction.
Wireless Magnetic Field Sensor

Senses the Earth’s magnetic field, magnetic fields from current-carrying coils, and permanent magnets.
Variable Gap Magnet

Very powerful magnet with an adjustable gap. Excellent for a wide range of demonstrations involving magnetism.