Physics (30S and 40S)
Senior 3 Unit Breakdown
Unit 01: Waves
- waves in one dimension
- Snell’s law
- circular wave patterns
- interference pattern from two point sources
- speed of sound
- sound intensity
Unit 02: Nature of Light
- wave-particle model of light – laws and theories
- speed of light
Unit 03: Mechanics
- motion and vectors: position, time, distance, speed, displacement, velocity
- kinematics: position, velocity, acceleration, graphs
- dynamics and diagrams
- linear motion
Unit 04: Fields
- gravitational fields
- magnetic fields
- Earth’s magnetic field
Senior 4 Unit Breakdown
Unit 01: Mechanics
- kinematics
- dynamics
- momentum
- projectile motion
- circular motion
- work and energy
Unit 02: Fields
- space
- low earth orbit
- electric and magnetic fields
Unit 03: Electricity
- electric circuits
- electromagnetic induction
Unit 04: Medical Physics
- half-life
- alpha and beta decay
- gamma radiation
- radioisotopes

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Biology (Grades 11 & 12)
Grade 11 Unit Breakdown
Unit 01: Wellness and Homeostasis
- personal wellness
- homeostasis and cells
- energy
Unit 02: Digestion and Nutrition
- digestion, absorption and enzymes
- the liver
- nutrition
Unit 03: Transportation and Respiration
- transport and respiratory systems
- blood components, groups, vessels, and pressure
- heart function and control
- respiration
Unit 04: Excretion and Waste Management
- metabolic wastes
- urinary system – processes, feedback, urinalysis
Unit 05: Protection and Control
- immune system and issues analysis
- nervous system
- homeostasis
Unit 06: Wellness and Homeostatic Changes
- body system interrelationships
- aging and death
- technology and wellness
Grade 12 Unit Breakdown
Unit 01: Understanding Biological Inheritance
- autosomal, atypical, and sex-linked inheritance
- genetic testing genetic variability
- chromosome mutations
Unit 02: Mechanisms of Inheritance
- DNA structure and replication
- protein synthesis
- gene mutation
Unit 03: Evolutionary Theory and Biodiversity
- Darwin’s Theory
- adaptation
- natural and artificial selection
- population genetics
- mechanisms for genetic variation
- convergent and divergent evolution
Unit 04: Organizing Biodiversity
- defining biodiversity and species
- classifying organisms
- determining evolutionary relationships
- domains of life
- investigating evolutionary trends
Unit 05: Conservation of Biodiversity
- maintaining and monitoring biodiversity
- conservation strategies
- investigating a conservation issue

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Chemistry (Grades 11 & 12)
Grade 11 Unit Breakdown
Unit 01: Physical Properties of Matter
- properties: density, compressibility, and diffusion
- kinetic molecular theory
- melting, solidification, sublimation and deposition
- freezing point, exothermic, and endothermic
- evaporation and condensation
- vapour pressure
Unit 02: Gases and Atmosphere
- naturally occurring gases in the atmosphere
- oxygenation of Earth’s atmosphere, changes in carbon dioxide content over time
- air quality
- relationships: pressure vs. volume of gases, pressure vs. temperature vs. volume
- industrial, environmental, and recreational applications of gases
Unit 03: Chemical Reactions
- atomic mass using isotopes
- the mole and molar mass
- volume, density, temperature, and pressure of gases
- limiting reactants
- theoretical and experimental yield
Unit 04: Solutions
- polar and non-polar nature
- solubility curves
- saturated, unsaturated, and supersaturated solutions
- temperature and pressure effects on solubility of gases
- freezing-point depression and boiling-point elevation
- concentration and dilutions
Unit 05: Organic Chemistry
- structural characteristics and molecular structures
- isomers
- polymerization and natural and synthetic polymers
Grade 12 Unit Breakdown
Unit 01: Reactions in Aqueous Solutions
- solubility and precipitation
- neutralization of strong acids and bases
- identifying unknown solutions
- oxidation and reduction reactions
Unit 02: Atomic Structure
- electromagnetic spectrum – frequency, wavelength, energy
- elements and unique line spectra
- electron configurations
- periodic trends
Unit 03: Chemical Kinetics
- reaction rate
- rate of formation and disappearance
- collision theory
- endothermic and exothermic reactions
- activation energy and orientation of molecules
- rate law and orders of reactions
Unit 04: Chemical Equilibrium
- Le Chatelier’s principle and shifts in equilibrium
- concentration vs. time graphs
- salts and solubility
Unit 05: Acids and Bases
- relationship between hydronium and hydroxide ion concentrations
- acid-base indicators
- strong and weak acids and bases
- percent dissociation and concentration
Unit 06: Electrochemistry
- spontaneity
- voltaic cells
- electrolytic cells
- Faraday’s law

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