Provincially Matched Correlations by Subject
To view Newfoundland & Labrador correlations, click on any of the icons below to navigate to recommended equipment for the specified subject areas
Biology (2201 & 3201)
2201 Unit Breakdown
- Unit 01: Ecosystem Interactions and Population Dynamics
- the biosphere and biomes
- interactions in ecological communities
- Unit 02: Processes that Sustain Life
- cell theory, types, and structures
- development of the microscope
- biological molecules in cells
- cell membrane structure and transport
- energy transformations in cells
- Unit 03: Maintaining Homeostasis
- homeostasis and feedback mechanisms
- plant systems and homeostasis
- nervous, endocrine, circulatory, respiratory and excretory systems
3201 Unit Breakdown
- Unit 01: Cell Reproduction and the Continuity of Life
- cancer and the cell cycle
- reproductive strategies and technologies
- human reproductive systems and regulation
- human development
- Unit 02: Genetic Basis of Heredity
- Mendelian genetics – inheritance
- DNA structure and replication
- protein synthesis and gene expression
- genomics and genetic technologies
- Unit 03: Evolutionary Change and Biodiversity
- variation, adaptation, natural selection
- evolution, evidence, speciation, and pace
- biological classification
- anatomy and physiology: non-chordates and chordates

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Chemistry (2202 & 3202)
2202 Unit Breakdown
- Unit 01: Stoichiometry
- classifying compounds
- the mole
- solubility and solutions
- chemical reactions
- stoichiometry and applications
- Unit 02: From Structures to Properties
- covalent bonding
- modelling covalent compounds
- intermolecular forces
- network covalent compounds
- ionic bonding, structures, and properties
- metallic structures and properties
- solubility
- material properties
- Unit 03: Organic Chemistry
- organic compound diversity
- hydrocarbons and derivatives
- writing and balancing organic chemical reactions
- technological connections to organic chemistry
- polymer chemistry
3202 Unit Breakdown
- Unit 01: From Kinetics to Equilibrium
- factors that affect reaction rates
- collision theory, potential energy and reaction mechanisms
- applications of kinetics
- equilibrium and equilibrium constant
- Le Chatelier’s Principle
- Unit 02: Acids and Bases
- Bronsted-Lowry acid-base reactions
- pH solutions
- acid-base equilibrium and indicators
- titrations
- Unit 03: Thermochemistry
- heat vs. temperature
- first law of thermodynamics
- heating and cooling curves
- enthalpy changes and calorimetry
- Unit 04: Electrochemistry
- redox reactions and electrochemical cells
- oxidation and reduction reactions

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Environmental Science (3205)
Unit Breakdown
- Unit 01: Introduction to Environmental Science
- the biosphere
- impacts on the NL environment
- conservation, sustainability and stewardship
- ecological footprint
- eco-regions, biodiversity, and species at risk
- Unit 02: Recreation and The Environment
- the wilderness and access
- consumptive and non-consumptive recreation
- ecological integrity
- hunting, fishing and conservation
- Unit 03: Land Use and The Environment
- the forest: boreal, old growth, management
- mineral resources, uses and exploration technology
- extraction impacts, processing ore methods and impacts
- agriculture in NL: major crops grown, poultry and livestock, challenges, safe farm practices, soil management, environmental impacts, pest control, waste management
- Unit 04: Water Use and The Environment
- watersheds and watershed management
- water quality
- fresh water ecosystems
- drinking and wastewater treatment
- marine ecosystems
- the fishery, management, and sustainable fishing
- aquaculture
- marine debris, oil spills, impacts, and mitigation
- Unit 05: The Atmosphere and The Environment
- the atmosphere and interactions
- air quality, airborne pollutants and human health
- persistent organic pollutants
- improving air quality
- acid precipitation
- the ozone layer and UV radiation
- climate change, impacts, and actions to address it
- alternate energy sources

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Physics (2204 & 3204)
2204 Unit Breakdown
- Unit 01: Kinematics
- vectors
- motion, kinematics and relativity in 1D
- Unit 02: Dynamics
- laws of motion
- Newton’s laws
- law of conservation of momentum
- Unit 03: Work and Energy
- work
- kinetic energy and gravitational potential energy
- work-energy theorem
- conservation of mechanical energy
- power and efficiency
- Hooke’s law and simple harmonic motion
- elastic and inelastic collisions
- electrical energy generation
- Unit 04: Waves
- longitudinal and transverse waves
- sound and applications of sound waves
- wave interference, reflection, and diffraction
- doppler effect
- refraction, total internal reflection and Snell’s Law
3204 Unit Breakdown
- Unit 01: Motion
- vectors
- relative motion
- projectile motion
- momentum and collisions
- Unit 02: Forces
- uniform circular motion
- forces on an inclined plane
- static equilibrium
- Unit 03: Fields
- gravitational fields
- field theory
- artificial satellites
- electric fields
- electric circuits
- magnetic fields
- electromagnetic induction
- motors and generators
- Unit 04: Introduction to Quantum Physics
- quantum energy concept
- photon momentum and wave properties of matter

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Extra Resources
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