Provincially Matched Correlations by Subject
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Physics (Grades 11 & 12)

Grade 11U Fundamental Concepts
- Unit B: Kinematics
- motion
- technology and kinematics
- Unit C: Forces
- forces and motion of an object
- Newton’s laws of motion and technological developments
- Unit D: Energy and Society
- energy transformations
- thermal energy losses and efficiency
- affects of technological applications involving energy transformations
- Unit E: Waves and Sound
- mechanical waves – characteristics and properties
- sound
- affects of mechanical waves on structures, society, and environment
- Unit F: Electricity and Magnetism
- relationships between electricity and magnetism, and technological applications
- affects of technological applications involving electromagnetism and energy transformations
Grade 12U Fundamental Concepts
- Unit B: Dynamics
- forces affect motion
- technologies that utilize the principles of dynamics
- Unit C: Energy and Momentum
- energy and momentum conservation
- mathematical analysis of conservation
- technological applications of energy and momentum
- Unit D: Gravitational, Electric, and Magnetic Fields
- gravitational, electric, and magnetic forces and fields
- behaviour of matter in fields
- technological systems involving gravitational, electric, and magnetic fields
- Unit E: The Wave Nature of Light
- light properties
- behaviour of light as a wave
- technologies using the principles of the wave nature of light
- Unit F: Revolutions in Modern Physics: Quantum Mechanics and Special Relativity
- light – particle and wave-like behaviour
- particles and wave-like behaviour
- mathematical models
Grade 12C Fundamental Concepts
- Unit B: Motion and Its Applications
- motion and mathematical relationships
- technologies that utilize principles of motion
- Unit C: Mechanical Systems
- force and work
- friction and influences
- mechanical systems
- Unit D: Electricity and Magnetism
- relationships between electricity and magnetism
- electricity and magnetism technological applications
- Unit E: Energy Transformations
- transforming energy
- efficiency
- technological applications involving energy transformations
- Unit F: Hydraulic and Pneumatic Systems
- fluids under pressure and work
- hydraulic and pneumatic systems
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Biology (Grades 11 & 12)

Grade 11U Fundamental Concepts
- Unit B: Diversity of Living Things
- anatomical and physiological characteristics
- human affects on ecosystems
- Unit C: Evolution
- relationships between species and environment
- accumulation of evidence
- technology and economic and environmental implications
- Unit D: Genetic Processes
- genetic and genomic research
- variability and diversity, meiosis
- Unit E: Animals: Structure and Function
- body systems
- development and uses of technology in human health
- Unit F: Plants: Anatomy, Growth, and Function
- plant structures and functions
- plant variety, survival, and sustainability of ecosystems
Grade 11C Fundamental Concepts
- Unit B: Cellular Biology
- structures and functions of biochemical compounds, cell organelles, and body systems
- technological devices and human health
- substance impacts on health
- Unit C: Microbiology
- microorganism characteristics
- effects of microorganisms on environment
- technological use of microorganisms
- Unit D: Genetics
- genetic research and biotechnology
- variability and diversity, meiosis
- Unit E: Anatomy of Mammals
- body systems and interactions
- technologies – maintaining human health
- environmental factors and effects on human health
- Unit F: Plants in the Natural Environment
- plant structures and functions in the environment
- plants and the survival of ecosystems
- human affects on sustainability of plants in ecosystems
Grade 12U Fundamental Concepts
- Unit B: Biochemistry
- technological applications: food, pharmaceutical, and medical industries
- biological molecules and chemical properties in cellular processes and biochemical reactions
- biochemical compounds structural and functional roles
- Unit C: Metabolic Processes
- DNA and genetic information
- protein function
- genetic research and biotechnology
- Unit D: Molecular Genetics
- structure and function
- change and continuity
- Unit E: Homeostasis
- organism internal conditions
- feedback mechanisms
- environmental factors and homeostasis
- Unit F: Population Dynamics
- population growth patterns
- consumption of resources, waste, and growth affects on Earth’s sustainability
- technological developments offset ecological footprint
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Chemistry (Grades 11 & 12)

Grade 11U Fundamental Concepts
- Unit B: Matter, Chemical Trends, and Chemical Bonding
- elements: chemical and physical properties, structure
- compound’s bonds determine properties
- chemicals and risks to health and environment
- Unit C: Chemical Reactions
- predicting reactions
- reactions and applications
- Unit D: Quantities in Chemical Reactions
- quantitative relationships
- efficiency and optimization of chemical reactions
- Unit E: Solutions and Solubility
- properties of solutions
- physical and chemical properties of water
- protecting integrity of Earth’s water resources
- Unit F: Gases and Atmospheric Chemistry
- properties of gases
- air quality
- protecting integrity of Earth’s atmosphere
Grade 12U Fundamental Concepts
- Unit B: Organic Chemistry
- organic compounds – properties and structures
- organic reactions and applications
- Unit C: Structure and Properties of Matter
- attractive forces between particles determine properties
- technological devices based on principles of atomic and molecular structures
- Unit D: Energy Changes and Rates of Reaction
- energy changes and rates of chemical reactions quantitatively
- efficiency of chemical reactions
- technologies that transform energy
- Unit E: Chemical Systems and Equilibrium
- predicting dynamic chemical systems
- applications of chemical systems at equilibrium
- Unit F: Electrochemistry
- oxidation and reduction chemical reactions
- control and applications of redox reactions
Grade 12C Fundamental Concepts
- Unit B: Matter and Qualitative Analysis
- properties of matter – prediction and analysis
- substance properties
- Unit C: Organic Chemistry
- organic compounds – chemical and physical properties and structures
- synthesizing organic compounds
- organic chemical reactions and applications
- Unit D: Electrochemistry
- oxidation and reduction
- control and applications of redox reactions
- Unit E: Chemical Calculations
- chemical reaction relationships
- chemical reaction applications in home, workplace, and environment
- Unit F: Chemistry in the Environment
- air and water quality – chemical reaction assessment
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Environmental Science (Grade 11)

Big Ideas
- Unit B: Human Impact on the Environment
- the biotic elements of an ecosystem include humans
- abiotic and biotic factors interact within an ecosystem
- people have positive and negative effects on the environment, both locally and globally
- Unit C: Human Health and the Environment
- environmental factors can have negative effects on human health
- it is possible to minimize some negative health effects associated with environmental factors by making wise lifestyle choices and taking other precautions
- Unit D: Energy Conservation
- the impact of energy production and consumption on environmental sustainability depends on which resources and energy production methods are used
- Unit E: Natural Resources Science and Management
- biodiversity is a measure of the health and sustainability of an ecosystem
- careful resources management planning is necessary to sustain ecosystems
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Extra Resources
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