PASCO Academy provides virtual labs, activities, and curricular resources to institutions and faculty using hybrid or distance learning models. Our courses are designed and delivered by PASCO instructors who work with faculty to support their students’ science learning.
Who is PASCO Academy Designed For?
- Institutions with distance learners enrolled in introductory Physics and/or Chemistry courses
- Educators in need of student-friendly virtual labs and activities that satisfy their standards
- Distance and hybrid learners whose lab experiences have been reduced or eliminated due to the pandemic
PASCO Academy Overview
What Does a PASCO Academy Course Include?
- Annual license for PASCO Academy’s Physics and Chemistry courses
- SPARKvue software licenses for students and faculty
- 50+ Standardized topics with distance learning labs and resources
- 24/7 Access to virtual labs, activities, and analysis discussions
- Full access to digital curriculum: Essential Physics and Essential Chemistry
- Corresponding educator resources, including a test bank, answer keys and more
- Professional development and faculty coaching from course instructors
The PASCO Academy gives science educators 24/7 access to our Physics and Chemistry courses. Each course includes a resource library with 30 weeks of turnkey distance learning content, including virtual labs, activities, and curriculum designed to align with introductory Physics and Chemistry courses.
PASCO Academy: Physics provides a full semester (15 weeks) of instructional and lab activity support for distance and hybrid physics courses. Each week, our physics Instructors provide three online video segments intended for asynchronous, synchronous or synchronous hybrid learning formats: an educator-focused explanation of the week’s material, a student-focused lab session that demonstrates the week’s phenomenon using experimentation and data collection, and a follow-up student-focused video segment that reviews the experiment’s analysis and scientific relevance.
The course is designed to supplement your campus’s existing physics curriculum by providing instructional support, video-based labs, student data sets, and faculty coaching that enables your campus to engage with physics concepts from any location.
Weekly Demonstrations and Follow-Up Videos Include:
- An educator-focused, professional development and coaching resource for faculty that provides information about the week’s topic, resources, ideas to include inquiry, and distance learning strategies
- A student-focused laboratory investigation that allows students to explore the week’s topic(s) alongside our instructors as they model, measure, and discuss the phenomena
- Coordinated student handouts and data sets that allow students to perform their own analysis on data collected during the demonstration
- A follow-up video segment where our instructors discuss the experiment’s analysis and its scientific relevance
Included Supplemental Curriculum: Essential Physics
PASCO Academy: Physics follows the Essential Physics curriculum, which satisfies standards for algebra-based physics and introductory physics courses. Our Instructors will use Essential Physics to supplement your existing curriculum and will support faculty and students with their instructional resources, lab demonstrations, and professional development. A single semester fee includes campus-wide access to our Essential Physics curriculum and resources, including the e-Book, Teacher Resources, infinite Test Bank, lab investigations, and more. These resources are designed to serve as supplemental distance learning materials but may also assist educators during their transition back to the classroom as the curriculum is consistent for all learning modalities.
Every Semester of PASCO Academy: Physics Includes:
- Students and faculty access to the Essential Physics interactive e-Book with embedded animations and simulations
- Faculty access to the Essential Physics Teacher Resources, including worksheets, PowerPoint presentations, simulations, and teaching tips.
- Faculty access to the PASCO Academy: Physics Educator Forum curated by PASCO master Instructors, which provides curricular support, coaching assistance, networking opportunities, and timely answers from our specialists.
- Faculty access to the Essential Physics Infinite Test Bank
- Faculty access to 82 physics investigations
- Faculty access to 8 design challenges
- Faculty access to 30+ videos
PASCO Academy: Chemistry provides a full semester (15 weeks) of instructional and lab activity support for distance and hybrid chemistry courses. Each week, our chemistry instructors provide three online video segments intended for asynchronous, synchronous or synchronous hybrid learning formats: an educator-focused explanation of the week’s material, a student-focused lab session that demonstrates the week’s phenomenon using experimentation and data collection, and a follow-up student-focused video segment that reviews the experiment’s analysis and scientific relevance.
The course is designed to supplement your campus’s existing chemistry curriculum by providing instructional support, video-based labs, student data sets, and faculty coaching that enables your campus to engage with chemistry concepts from any location.
Weekly Demonstrations and Follow-Up Videos Include:
- An educator-focused, professional development and coaching resource for faculty that provides information about the week’s topic, resources, ideas to include inquiry, and distance learning strategies
- A student-focused laboratory investigation that allows students to explore the week’s topic(s) alongside our instructors as they model, measure, and discuss the phenomena
- Coordinated student handouts and data sets that allow students to perform their own analysis on data collected during the demonstration
- A follow-up video segment where our instructors discuss the experiment’s analysis and its scientific relevance
Included Supplemental Curriculum: Essential Chemistry
PASCO Academy: Chemistry follows the Essential Chemistry curriculum, which satisfies standards for introductory chemistry courses. Our chemistry Instructors will use Essential Chemistry to supplement your existing curriculum and will support faculty and students with their instructional assistance, resources, and PD. A single semester fee grants campus-wide access to our Essential Chemistry curriculum and resources, including the e-Book, Teacher Resources, infinite Test Bank, lab investigations, and more. These resources are designed to serve as supplemental distance learning materials but may also assist educators during their transition back to the classroom as the curriculum is consistent for all learning models.
Every Semester of PASCO Academy: Chemistry Includes:
- Student and faculty access to the Essential Chemistry interactive e-Book with embedded animations and simulations
- Student and faculty access to the Chemical Equation Solver
- Faculty access to the PASCO Academy: Chemistry Educator Forum, which provides curricular support, coaching assistance, networking opportunities, and timely answers from our specialists.
- Faculty access to the Essential Chemistry Teacher Resources, including worksheets, presentations, simulations, and teaching tips
- Faculty access to the Essential Chemistry Infinite Test Bank
- Faculty access to 71 chemistry investigations
- Faculty access to 4 engineering design projects