Customer Testimonials

Gideon HumphreySenior Laboratory Manager University of TorontoToronto, ON
Impressed 850
Interface Customer
Out of all the data acquisition systems I’m aware of, nothing approaches the convenience of the PASCO 850 interface. Between the broad range of available sensors and the simplicity of starting data acquisition, a wide range of tasks that would be incredibly complicated otherwise can be automated in minutes. We have dedicated computers and 850 interfaces at each station in our labs so that data acquisition can be accomplished easily by our students whenever needed.

Michelle BrosseauPhysics TeacherUrsuline College Chatham

David KingChemistry Lab TechnicianUniversity of AlbertaAugustana Campus
Wireless Spectrometers have allowed us to be much more dynamic
Four years ago Augustana Chemistry made the decision to move away from traditional stand-alone spectrometers and sensors to PASCO’s Wireless Spectrometer and Sensors. Students are able to pick up the APP based software (both the Spectrometry app and SPARKvue) quickly and understand results more easily. The wireless capability has allowed us to find creative uses for the sensors and explore tradition forms of spectroscopy but with a modern approach. Bluetooth Sensors have allowed us to design experiments that measure variables that might otherwise be impossible, while the Wireless Spectrometers have allowed us to be much more dynamic where we can take the spectrometers. The successful transition to (PASCO through AYVA) and their equipment now shapes a lot of what we do here at Augustana.

Sylvie NormandinAcadémie Lafontaine

Bob ChinPhysics Lab TechnicianKwantlen Polytechnic UniversitySurrey, BC
Achieves the Learning
Goals We Desire
I would like to thank you, your staff and products in helping us create a lab that is one of the best in Canada. Your lab equipment is of the highest quality and technical support is always there to help. During the 25 years we have used a wide array of lab equipment including computer interfacing. Your PASCO line has a high profile in our lab and will continue to do so far into the future. Our students feel they are getting full lab experience when using your equipment. The data they procure are of high accuracy and that helps achieve the learning goals we desire.

Hugues LorangerPhysics Lab TechnicianCégep de ShawiniganShawinigan, QC
l’excellente coopération
Je ne dois pas passer sous silence l’excellente coopération de votre part dans la résolution des différents problèmes que nous avons rencontrés avec certains équipements. Il faut aussi que je souligne votre soutien à l’acquisition de nouveau matériel requis pour nos laboratoires. Vous avez toujours répondu à mes questionnements, s’il y en avait, avec courtoisie. J’ai apprécié au plus haut point notre relation d’affaires.
Peut-être que 12 ans d’affaires c’est bref, mais il y a de l’histoire qui précède la venue d’AYVA pour les excellentes gammes de produits que vous détenez et qui ont fait les choix de mes prédécesseurs. Dans ce sens, j’ai apprécié retrouver chez vous (Ayva) les gammes de produits qui ont fait leurs marques à travers le temps et qui ont su relever le défi de l’informatisation et de l’ExAO (Expérimentation assistée par ordinateur). Vous êtes très proactifs dans la recherche et l’adoption de produits de pointe pour l’expérimentation en physique étant donné que c’est de cette discipline que je relève.
Vous avez épaulé mes succès en expérimentation et surtout et avant tout les succès des étudiants, l’avenir de nos sociétés.

Saverio BiunnoPhysics Lab SuperintendentMcGill UniversityMontreal, QC
A broad
range of topics
Here at McGill University we use PASCO Scientific instruments to conduct physics experiments over a broad range of topics from mechanics to modern physics across multiple academic years.

Reed JeffreyScience Department Head Upper Canada CollegeToronto, ON
Smart Cart
I thought the cart was excellent. The quick sampling rate for force will be very useful for momentum and collision labs we do. I’m recommending we include this in our order for next school year.

Shawn McFaddenTechnical SpecialistRyerson UniversityToronto, ON
Improved Student Learning Experience
We have a large number of PASCO wireless spectrometers and love how they have improved the learning experience for our students.

Edward HavengaHead of Science Mitchell District High SchoolMitchell, ON
Chemistry Teacher
Loves PASCO Sensors
We love the PASCO sensors. They are great. We used the pH & temperature sensors in Grade 12 Chemistry last semester, and I have Grade 11 Chemistry this semester and am really looking forward to using the temperature and pressure sensors. Our math teacher has used the motion sensors as well. The SPARKvue app is also great, as are the additional resources including the free SPARKlabs and the YouTube videos. Thanks!

Laura BuchynskiLab Coordinator
Lakeland CollegeVermilion, AB
“Personalized & Professional” Customer Service
I have dealt with many vendors over the years, but never received such personalized and professional services as I did from PASCO Canada (AYVA). They took it upon themselves to ensure that the equipment fit both our academic requirements and our budget. They are very knowledgeable about their equipment and its applications, making our project so much easier to complete.

Dr. Kameal Mina Professor Computer/Engineering StudiesCambrian College
“Student Learning
& Success”
I’ve been impressed by the quick and professional responses I received from PASCO Canada representative. I’ve been using PASCO since 1995 and their equipment always made our labs interactive and highly educational. Students were also excited about the professional knowledge and experience they gained using PASCO equipment. This helped us achieve one of our most important goals; students learning and success.

Stephen FuerdererScience Department Head Byrne Creek SecondaryBurnaby, BC
Wireless Sensors
The new wireless sensors (Bluetooth) are amazing! I can set up an experiment in one corner of the room and have real-time measurements beamed to my tablet/projector for everyone to view on screen.

Matt Tumbach
Science Coordinator
Tommy Douglas CollegiateSaskatoon, SK
Wireless Spectrometer Big Hit With Students
PASCO’s wireless spectrometer has been utilized very well by our earth science and physical science teachers. It’s an excellent piece of equipment and we have very much enjoyed its addition to enriching our classroom. It definitely brings students to a higher level of understanding wave interaction at a molecular level.

Gurpreet Sidhu
University College of NorthThe Pas, MB
A big thanks for all the help and support you provided
I want to take some time to say a big thanks for all the help and support you provided me to select the best equipment in order to make the best possible use of the funds available. It is really exceptional that you happily connected with me multiple times even during the weekend and were always motivated to help.

Mark RichardsTechnology Integration Consultant Annapolis Valley R.S.B.Halifax, NS
Datalogging Activities are Cross-Curricular
Throughout the province of Nova Scotia, PASCO’s probeware technology has been merged with the rollout of the new P-6 curriculum. We chose a number of sensors for use with our project-based activities. Both the functionality and mobility of PASCO’s dataloggers enable students to collect authentic, real-world data, test their hypotheses and build knowledge.
What we find important to a successful implementation and adoption by teachers is showing that the probes are not a ‘standalone technology’. The datalogging activities are very cross-curricular and can incorporate math, english, science, and geography outcomes.
We are excited to learn more about PASCO’s new weather sensor because our students enjoy projects where they can share and compare their data with weather stations from around the world and be part of a global community.

Deb StirrettScience Department Head Ross Sheppard Senior HSCalgary, AB
Thank you so much for arranging the recent in-service. It was a wonderful experience for all who attended. We certainly got a much better understanding of how to use the probes and how to work with the data that they generate.
Bill took a great deal of time to ensure all the participants knew how to start the programs, collect the data and store it for future use. His thorough walk through of the Chemistry probes was appreciated by all the techs and the teachers present. The physics teachers were especially impressed on the motion lab and the potential for further lab development. I would also like to thank Bill for looking at our equipment and making suggestions for future use (and the potential to use some of the old probes with the new equipment). It certainly was wonderful to understand the potential of the equipment we have. Our teachers are looking forward to developing our labs with this equipment.

Linda MonasterskiLab AssistantSt. Paul’s High SchoolWinnipeg MB
iPad User and
Long Time Customer
We have been using PASCO equipment in Physics experiments at St. Paul’s for over 15 years. The ease of use and results obtained were great before but are even better now especially with the new SPARKvue app and the introduction of real-time sharing of data between students. The PASPORT sensors are literally plug and play and work on all of the interfaces. The ability to use iPads and tablets to collect data and run experiments opens up a whole new world of student science exploration. Thank you to AYVA for their wonderful customer service and support.