Wireless Datalogging
SPARKvue is PASCO’s award-winning science learning software that makes data collection and analysis easy! Data collection and analysis is an integral part of any science investigation. Whether graphing manually-entered data, collecting real-time data from a sensor, or remotely logging data, SPARKvue software helps you and your students address important science and engineering practices in your labs.
The full version of SPARKvue is now available as a FREE app for Chromebook, iPad and Android Tablets. There are also free 60-day trials for PC and Mac. SPARKvue offers the same user experience regardless of your technology platform!
Download SPARKvue 4.0
PASCO’s Next Generation Datalogger: SPARK LXi
The hub of your modern science classroom, the SPARK LXi is the ideal platform for PASCO sensors, both Wireless and PASPORT while providing a connected, easy-to-manage learning environment powered by SPARKvue software and the Lab Manager application. PASCO’s new datalogger blends software and hardware for data collection and analysis along with classroom management capabilities, all on one device.
Wireless Sensors & PASCO Dataloggers
Colorimeter & Turbidity
Simultaneously measures the absorbance and transmittance of six different wavelengths.

Rotary Motion
Wirelessly study optics, dynamics, centripetal force, motion of a pendulum and many other topics.

Heart Rate
Acquire wireless measurements for continuous monitoring or initial vs. final data points.

An ambient aperture that measures light level and a directional aperture for traditional physics.

Provides a +/- 15 V range with high speed sampling (up to 100,000 samples/second) available via USB.

Provides a +/- 1 A range with high speed sampling (up to 100,000 samples/second) available via USB.

Measures both conductivity and total dissolved solids. Highly accurate with a fast response time.

Connects via Bluetooth or USB to determine degree of optical rotation of the plane polarized light