Smart Ballistic Cart Accessory (Local Stock)

Product Code: ME-1245-LS


The Smart Ballistic Accessory mounts to any PASCO dynamics cart for a classic demonstration on the independence of X and Y motion. A projectile fired from the accessory while a cart is in motion will be caught farther down the track. When mounted to a PASCO aluminum cart, or PAScar, the projectile is launched using a push button timer delay. When connected to a PASCO Smart Cart, the Smart Ballistic Accessory can launch the projectile based on measurements made by the Smart Cart in either SPARKvue or PASCO Capstone software.

The original PASCO ballistic accessory debuted in 1994, and is known for its reliable operation. After 25 years, we felt it was time for an update! This newer design removes the old photogate design which required a separate piece to trigger the launcher. Now, projectiles are launched either by a time delay or measurements directly from a Smart Cart.


  • Compatible with all PASCO dynamics carts.
  • Push button timer for delay for launching the projectile after the cart is pushed.
  • Release mechanism does not affect cart motion or ball flight path.
  • The barrel has X and Y adjustments, so perfect vertical projections can be produced every time.
  • Fires a colored nylon ball 0.5 meters or higher for impressive demonstrations.
  • Connects to the Smart Cart for measurement-based launching conditions.
  • USB rechargeable Li-Ion battery.


  • Shoot and catch with constant velocity
  • Tunnel — launch the projectile before entering a tunnel, and catch after exiting the tunnel.
  • Accelerating cart with an inclined plane

How It Works

Attach the Smart Ballistic Accessory to any PASCO dynamics cart using the captured mounting screws. X-Y adjustments on the top deck of the accessory (red thumb screws) are used to adjust the aim of the launcher. Insert one of the yellow projectiles into the launcher and press down. The launcher is now set to fire.

When attached to any PASCO dynamics cart, press the timer button on top of the Smart Ballistic Accessory. This provides a one second delay before the projectile is launched. After the button is pressed, give your dynamics cart a push. The projectile will fire upwards, and be caught farther down the track.

When attached to a PASCO Smart Cart, connect the accessory cable to the accessory port on the Smart Cart. In either PASCO Capstone or SPARKvue, you can launch the ball by pressing a button in the software. In PASCO Capstone, you can set a particular distance or time at which the ball will launch. Using Blockly coding,  in either PASCO Capstone or SPARKvue software, you can set the launch condition to be based on a Smart Cart measurement of position, velocity, or acceleration. Start recording data, and push the Smart Cart. The projectile will fire when the measurement condition is met.

If the cart is moving at a constant velocity, the ball will fall back into the catcher on the cart.

What’s Included

  • 1x Smart Ballistic Cart Accessory
  • 2x Plastic Ball
  • 1x USB Charging Cable
  • 1x Smart Cart Accessory Cable

Experiment Library

Perform the following experiments and more with the Smart Ballistic Cart Accessory.
Visit PASCO’s Experiment Library to view all activities for this product.

Recommended Accessories

Smart Cart (Red) ME-1240
Smart Cart (Blue) ME-1241